BreedersUSA Resolution
Released on = July 23, 2006, 7:08 pm
Press Release Author = BreedersUSA Inc.
Industry = Accounting
Press Release Summary = BreedersUSA introduces a resolution endorsing and recognizing the month of September beginning in the year 2006 as Responsible Dog Owners Month.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 7/26/2006
BreedersUSA\'s Dog Breeder Resolution
BreedersUSA introduces a resolution endorsing and recognizing the month of September beginning in the year 2006 as Responsible Dog Owners Month.
Moreno Valley, California - September 1, 2006 - BreedersUSA introduces a resolution endorsing and recognizing the month of September as Responsible Dog Owners Month. in cooperation of the BreedersUSA Advisory Breeders Board has determined that the Month of September as the Responsible Dog Owners Month, this is a grass roots movement to encourage responsible dog breeding and dog ownership; for more information go to BreedersUSA\'s Blog as well as BreedersUSA Forum at .
BreedersUSA will encourage dog breeders to support "Responsible Dog Owners Month" through their individual kennels. This movement was state by Jan Cooper;
(jan cooper) The OLDEST BSL site in the world and home of BSL BROADCASTS
BreedersUSA Resolution
BreedersUSA introduces a resolution endorsing and recognizing the month of September beginning in the year 2006 as Responsible Dog Owners Month.
WHEREAS, knowing that dogs have and will always be an integral part of citizens of the United States and
WHEREAS, it is recognized that many citizens of the United State may not know and understand the responsibility of dog ownership, and
WHEREAS, responsible dog ownership is encouraged in the United States and responsible owners should properly confine and provide adequate training for their dogs, and
WHEREAS, programs should be made available to the all dog owners so that they may become responsible owners, and
WHEREAS, dogs owned by responsible owners should be able to exhibit proper behavior while in the presence of other people and animals in both the home and in the community, and
WHEREAS, with the population of dogs growing rapidly each year and dogs at large being a constant problem, there is a need to bring recognition to and encourage responsible dog ownership,
Be it resolved by the Breeders Advisory Board of
That the Breeders Advisory Board of hereby declares that the month September beginning in the year 2006 and each successive year thereafter be Responsible Dog Owners Month.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Breeders Advisory Board of encourages dog clubs, humane organizations, communities and citizens to promote responsible dog ownership during this so declared week by means of various public educational activities.
Contact Daniel Hect for more insights into this topic. Direct line: (951) 538-9357 Email: other helpful information regarding the event can be found at: To register call: (951) 538-9357.
For More Information Contact:
Daniel Hect
Web Site =
Contact Details = Daniel Hect||16745 War Cloud Dr.||Moreno Valley , 92551||$$country||||951-538-9357||||
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